ийш тийш...

This week was pretty good, felt super long though. We were running around all the time. The weather dropped down for a while and it got pretty cold again which was a bummer, luckily it's warming up again. We are all just so tired of the cold, it would be nice to sweat again, and maybe get a tan. But yeah, not too much going on. We did have a baptism which was awesome, finally felt like a missionary again. It was cool to see her get baptized. 

We taught a new person this week, his whole family are members but him. We went to his house and chatted for a bit, he's a super nice guy. He is very Buddhist person, and it was kinda hard to understand his questions about our religion in comparison to Buddhism. It was honestly the most I struggled to understand. He asked a lot about dreams and their meanings and it was super tough to answer. He only knows what he knows about Buddhism and their Gods. It's hard to teach someone who knows nothing about a Christian God. We were really starting from the basics. But it turned out well, the lesson went really good. We are going to meet him again this week.

Mutual this week was pretty fun. I should have got a video, but we taught the people how to play Egyptian Rat Slap and it was hilarious. The Americans were going so hard, and our hands were so red, and the youth were so confused and scared. It was so funny to see them wondering what the heck was going on. They were so lost. But they all got into and it actually started getting pretty aggressive. It was pretty sweet. 

So other than the baptism, this was probably the coolest thing of the week. So we were super super bored, we had just been cancelled on by an investigator. We were with the AP's (Scrimsher and Teasdale) and we decided to check out this ping pong club right by our church. We walk in and this old sensei greets us and talks about ping pong with us. He asks who the best player is and we say Scrimsher (he never looses, he's super super good). Sensei plays Scrimsher and he says "Yeah you are a beginner, come back at 6:00, I have a 6 year old girl who will beat you." So we really didn't believe that. We came back at six, saw the sensei, and he showed us the girl. She was freaking super good. We all ended up beating her, but only because she has no reach. So Scrimsher played her and won. So the Sensei calls up the next best child, also 8. Scrimsher beats him and then he calls up a 10 year old and Scrimsher got wrecked. By a 10 year old. So we asked the Sensei how we get better and he showed us some drills we can do. He was playing us and said "Your backhand perfect! Focus! Front hand! Work his mind!" It felt like I was on Rocky but with ping pong haha. It was so funny. But yeah, so we have a Sensei now. We are trying to get super good so we can come home and absolutely clean house and beat anyone at BYU in ping pong. The Sensei said he would help us get to that point. Found us a Sensei.

Also Enkhjin was baptized and it went well. She was super excited for it, and she could really feel the spirit she said. It was cool to see that. Baptisms really help me remember why I am out here. She was just super happy after and it was awesome to see God watching out for her after this. She came to stake conference the next day and it was a super good stake conference. We also had Hulan and Enhjin show up too. But President Harper gave a really good talk that I liked. He talked about the parable in Luke 14. The Savior is throwing a dinner, and invites people but they all give some pretty terrible excuses saying they cant come. So President Harper asked everyone what are the excuses we give that are preventing us from being fully active in the Gospel. And in order to answer that, we need to review the temple questions. I really liked it. It was a pretty powerful talk. 

So Yorke and I got a new teaching opprotunity. We are going to be teaching at a company called Wagner Asia. It's a construction company a lot of members work at coincidentally. It starts on Wednesday for us, we are pretty excited. I also got to teach on Monday again at the college. It was super fun. We taught our class how to set up appointments for the weekend but it turned into practicing asking out on dates haha. The students were loving it, asking each other on dates. It was hilarious for us. Someone asked out Scrimsher haha. I was dead, literally in tears. 

We also met with sister Puje last night with the AP's. She made us some super awesome American tasting food. It was a fun meeting. She said at one point, "I love the Trump." Cracked me up. It was awesome, I loved it. 

Love ya guys, sorry my week was kinda boring. We spent a lot of time just going ийш тийш (here and there).

Mom, I sent you a separate email for Mothers Day.  Love you.


Enkhjin's baptism


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