Finally Warm...

This week was another good one. It went by really fast again. We were able to meet with a lot of our investigators and have some good meetings with them. We also had some really slow afternoons, which means we ping ponged the heck out of it. We are getting pretty good actually, our only concern is that people are gonna think we did literally nothing but ping pong on our missions. They can think that though as we run the BYU leagues. This last Saturday was "no car day" which was really fun. The UB marathon was going on, so they shut down the whole downtown to cars and everyone pulls out their bikes and rollerblades and skateboards and goes all over the town. I think you saw my Facebook story, but we met with Scrimsher and Teasdale and skateboarded around for a while. It was a lot of fun, definitely one of the weeks highlights. Also you probably saw on Facebook the roller skating pictures. So let me explain. We went roller skating last P-day night and as we were going around, Scrimsher remembered an advertisement that the roller rink put up on Facebook. So we all thought it would be hilarious to recreate the pictures. We did, and tagged them in a Facebook post. Pretty much, now we are famous, people recognize us as the roller skating guys. Everyone on Facebook was dying, and all the church members who saw it said it was hilarious. May have been cringey, but it's hilarious. 

On Wednesday last week we taught English at a new place called Wagner Asia. It's the CAT construction company. A lot of church members work there coincidentally. But we go in and we taught this class of mechanic students who study on the job site. They are pretty cool kids, all are around 23 or 24. The class was awesome, they all speak really good, so we could chat for a while. After class we started walking home and this guy in a nice car pulls up to us and says "hey get in." So we do and he introduces himself as the Wagner Asia Private Driver. So we got us a private driver lol. We are two dumb college kids, but have a private driver, for some reason I thought it was hilarious. 

I taught at Ih Zasag again this Friday and Monday, the classes went really well. This coming Friday is the last day of school, so these classes were the last time we would see those students. We could tell they were pretty stressed out from finals, so we took them on a field trip. We walked down to this little city square and played hacky sack and taught them how to play ninja. It was the most fun I've had teaching English yet. I got some videos of it. We also met with the teachers, and they gave us the lawyer English book that they made, and asked us to review it and correct it. I guess my little rant worked. So Scrimsher and I went through it and fixed all the English mistakes. We gave it back to the teachers, so hopefully they put in our corrections and change it. 

There is a huge TB outbreak going on here, so the government demanded all the teachers go in and give some blood for testing. We also had to get an X Ray. The TB blood was at one hospital and it was pretty sketchy. The hospital just felt dirty. We finished there and went to the other hospital which was literally in a ger district. We didn't believe it, but we were walking up a dirt ger district road to this Soviet Era hospital, it was built in 1981. It was real sketch. It seriously looked like something out of Call of Duty or something. It was wild. We had to get XRayed by this huge old machine, and I'm actually pretty concerned I have some radiation poisoning now. But we will see. Good news is I am TB free. 

Yesterday we had nothing to do at all, so after English Yorke and I got some lunch and walked around for a bit. Then we met the AP's Scrimsher and Teasdale at the Ping Pong dojo. The sensei was there, so we paid for an hour and practiced a lot, the sensei also jumped in too. By the time 7 came around the sensei had to go, and he said "you know how to lock up right? Just put this pad lock on the door okay? I'm gonna go, but you keep practicing. You are paying me by helping me with English." So he left and he let us play for a while and practice. It was awesome, he just totally trusted us. So now we got us a dojo. Also my new Ping Pong paddle is awesome. It crazy how much a paddle improves the game, the sensei was right. 

As for actual missionary work we did get some done this week. We met with Ariyunbold again. He is the real Buddhist guy, and we reviewed the first lesson with him. It went well. He understands it all, we are just trying him to apply it all. He said he read the Book of Mormon but didn't feel anything from it. That was kinda hard to hear, so I hope he is doing this with sincerity and not just willy nilly. We will see. I have hopes for him though, he's a good guy. 

On Sunday Enkhjin was confirmed. It was cool to see that. I was blessing the sacrament, so I was in the front and I could see her walk back to her chair after the blessing and she had a huge smile on her face. I think she really felt it. I hope she sticks with it all, she's a super amazing investigator and now member. Also funny story about our church. There is no microphone for the sacrament table. So when you bless it, you just kinda yell really loud so people can hear you. It was pretty funny the first few times. After church we met with Hulan and Enhjin. They are doing good, just really busy in school and stuff. We finished all the lessons with them a long time ago, so now we just read from the Book of Mormon together for our lessons. We help them understand all the old scripture language. I think it's helping them, I just hope they get an answer soon.  They are great people, I hope the push they need to be baptized comes. 

Love you guys, 

The only advantage I had on her was my long arms.  She still won.  

 Our new sensei making our ping pong paddles. 

Riding a tandem bike through the square. 

Field tripping with our English class. 
Teaching our English class how to play Ninja.  They loved it.  


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