Jean Shorts...

This week was pretty sweet. The weather is amazing and the whole country turned green pretty much overnight. It's really pretty again. So we have been walking around a lot more, the ping pong has died down only a little. No, but it's been good this week. We met with a lot of people and had some good talks with our bishopric on Sunday. I'll explain more, but the ward is struggling because it's just so small of boundaries. There is only like 20 people at church on Sunday, it's getting hard for our ward to function really. Hopefully we can recombine with the ward ours branched off from, at least for the summer.  We'll see. 

We taught at Wagner Asia again this week. The schedule there is nice. So we teach once a week for 2 weeks, then we have 2 weeks off while the students go to the shop to practice, then it switches back and forth. So we only teach there 3 times a transfer, but I called the guy there and he said we can teach 2 days a week if we want. So starting in 2 weeks we will do that. On Friday I taught for the last time of the semester at the college. Our students still go to school, but it's only for testing. The lectures have stopped. It was a pretty fun semester of teaching. I'm gonna miss it, the students there are super funny. Plus it cracks me up how much some of the girls flirt with Scrimsher. But it was really fun, the last day was really chill. Our students were busy studying for other stuff, so we just chatted with some other kids and relaxed. It kinda felt like the last day of school, the weather was warm, did nothing in class. It was fun, it reminded me how much I actually like and miss school. 

So last P day we went to the river and tried to get some sun on our white, winter bodies, literally nothing happened though, I didn't even get sunburnt. So we walked around with Scrimsher and Teasdale and ran into this Canadian guy at the mall. He was super chill, and Scrimsher got his Facebook and stuff. So later in the week, we were playing some ping pong in the church and Scrimsher got called, so he went outside for better service and right as he went outside, he ran into the Canadian guy. So we invited him in, and got some dinner with him. He's a cool guy, he is touring the world for a year. He is a programmer so he can work on the go if he needs to. He told us all about Vietnam and Thailand. He's been everywhere in Asia. It was cool to get the stories. He spent the last few weeks living with a nomad family, he would work for them and they would let him stay with them. It sounded like the life, he said the work was easy, so he had tons of time to read and relax. Pretty funny coincidence though. 

We taught Enhjin again this week. She came to the church and we started teaching her and the APs were there to be an extra man for us, and their investigator shows up. He's a 17 year old boy, and we are reviewing the lessons with Enhjin, and their investigator is on the same lesson we are reviewing with Enhjin. So we put them together and did a combined lesson. It was pretty cool because Enhjin was able to help us teach. She taught about prayer and she was bearing her testimony about how she knows it's real. And about how God is real and true. She said there are a lot of fake people in the world, but God doesn't change. It was really cool to see someone who just got baptized be able to bear her testimony and tell that she knows stuff is real. 

We met with Mugi this week too, Enhjin also came to help. Mugi and his family are related to Enhjin, and Enhjin's older sister and her family came too. We started teaching and we said a prayer, and after the prayer Mugi said "thanks for praying, it always brings a cool feeling to my home when you pray." It was cool. Then we taught them about prayer, scripture study, and going to church. They all agreed to come to church but didn't, it was kinda sad but what else can you do. The lesson went super good though, so hopefully they start to do what they need to in order to figure it out. 
After Mugi we went to Baljinyams house. We haven't met with them for a while, so we wanted to check up on them. They are doing good. His wife needed some help preparing her young womens lesson, so we taught her how to teach and how to incorporate it all in a lesson. It was a good time. 

On Saturday there were some Mongolian Pride Festivals going on. We were walking around and stumbled on them. I put it on my Facebook story, it was pretty sweet. They had all the traditional Mongolian stuff like throat singing and shoulder dancing. We got a picture with a throat singing dude. The culture here is awesome, it's so different. I wish I could explain it all, but it's more of an experience than what words could explain. It was just pretty cool, it really showed the Mongolian pride and culture. Pretty cool stuff. 

Last thing, my jeans were getting pretty wrecked. So I made some pretty sick jean shorts. The people here love them. 

Love ya guys, 

Our new throat singing friend.

Representing Dad's mission on my mission. 

At our meeting with Enkjin.

This girl is attends a musical and arts school.  She showed up to mutual wearing this outfit. She came straight from a performance.  We were dying.  

Some Parliament member died, so people were lighting candles everywhere. 

Videos from the cultural festival. 


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