Already 20% done? Crazy...

Hey mom, 

This week was good, tough, but good. We haven't been doing much, the work is super slow so we are just trying to stay busy. It's been flipping hot this week, like 93 degrees hot. So we are all dying don't mind us, then it started to snow a little the day after the heat wave. This Siberian weather is crazy. Also this week was a milestone, turns out I'm 20% done which blows my mind. That was a fast 20%, also 2 days ago last year I graduated from high school. That was a fast year. It's crazy to look back and see where I am in relation to where I was last year. Pretty neat. Also our Pday is on Monday now that school is out. So Tuesday P day will pick up in September when school starts again. But here's my week. 

Wednesday: Today we taught Batbeleg again! I taught with the elder I was on splits with because of English teaching and it was good. I would start to say something and I couldn't find the words to finish the sentence and Batbeleg would say them for me, and I was like "good grief you already know everything about the gospel." He's a good guy. He is going to be baptized in July, not June, we just misunderstood him. But yeah, he's super stoked about being baptized, really cool. So we did that and then we went to the computers because that's the only air conditioned building in city. You think I'm joking, but there is no air conditioning here. It's nuts. So I looked at some BYU stuff while Elder Garcia did some district leader stuff on the computer and that was good, pretty much the rest of the day we just hungout. 

Thursday: Today we had district meeting, and seeing how it's super nice, but hot, weather, we decided to go the river and race paper boats lol. It was fun. In our district we have a Mongolian Sister and she taught me this traditional Mongolian game with rocks. It's pretty interesting but she destroyed me every time we played haha. But it was fun, I'll teach everyone when I get home. Then after that, it was still super hot, so we went to one of our favorite places called Washington Burger. The owner is Korean and he lived in the US for bit so he knows how to cook a hamburger, so we went there and ate. His grandma is a crack up though, she speaks a little English so we walk in (they know all us missionaries, we are their most loyal customers) and she says "HI HOW ARE YOU I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN A WHILE, YOU WANT PHILLY CHEESE?" its so freaking funny. Then that night we helped an elder teach english at the church and everyone asks if I gamble because I tell them I'm from Vegas. They all say they want me to teach them how to gamble lol. 

Friday: So friday started June, that's also crazy. Time goes so fast looking back, but it goes terribly slow going forward. Still crazy though. But today was even hotter! I freaking melted. The church should let us wear shorts because I would wear them. It was like 95 today and humid. So pretty bad. But Garcia got hit hard with the allergies so we stayed inside until lunch time. Plus it was their national childrens day, so everyone goes out to the country side to spoil their children and have fun as a family. I think we need one of these in the USA. So the city was a ghost town. So we went to the church and I picked up my package and then we went to some elders house and I started to read the books I got. And they are awesome. Really good advice and insights into the gospel. 

Saturday: Garcia got real sick, the allergies lead to a cold so we really didn't do much. But some elders came over and we just hungout. They brought food and stuff and it was fun. Really we did nothing that day.

Sunday: Sunday's are honestly probably my favorite. We have stuff to do all day so it's great. We did the virtual branch again this week. It was interesting. It was fast and testimony meeting, so all we did was have the 3 people who were on the call bear their testimony, then we blessed the sacrament and we took it. The people out there don't take the sacrament, so we just did it ourselves. And I had to bless it, and I had to do it in Mongolian and holy moly thats tough. But I made it through pretty easily which was a blessing. So we did that, then we had our own church, and Batbeleg came again. The girl in our ward who helps us teach him is an RM and she is always with him. We lowkey think she is tryna get this boy to the temple haha. But they are cool. I passed the sacrament again which was fun. Me and this 12 year old boy pass everyweek and it's fun with him. Also the girls that got baptized on Saturday were there! It was fun to see them again. They are characters. 

But yeah thats my week. Not much that we do, summer is really slow. Hopefully some work comes in. We called the potential investigators and I said that it's the missionaries and they go "oh" and then hung up haha. But it'll pick up. Fingers crossed for this week. Thank you all for everything! Love you mom. 

Also tell Sami her recital was awesome!! I loved hearing that, she's gonna be a better piano player than me when I get back. 

Sunset from the church building
 This guy has got to be the richest guy in Mongolia.  That's a custom Lamborghini.  It would cost the same as an apartment complex here. 

 The boat floating river

Just goofing around.


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