All I Want For Christmas is 2...

This week was pretty good, even though we didn't see conference we heard the news about two hour church. Not gonna lie, I'm freaking stoked for it. It will help out the super small branches here a lot where the 10 members have to do everything themselves. I'm excited to see how much it helps the church grow here, plus it means I can get an extra sunday nap in back in the US. Just kidding, but not really. But yeah, let me tell you about my week. It went pretty well, I had this Walden quote in my head a lot this week, "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." It's a pretty heavy quote if you think about it. We all should live our lives so that when we come to die, we can look back and see that we truly lived. I don't know, it just hit me in a way. Coincidentally, my whole family was at Walden Pond this week, pretty jealous of that. But here is what happened this week. 

Tuesday: Last P day we went up the mountains to have a fire and hike a bit. It was gorgeous. The pines here all turn this golden yellow and the colors are incredible. We got to the top and found some old Russian radio towers, so Pickering and I climbed them and the view was amazing. It really makes you feel small when you see so much of the world. Even though UB is a huge city, it's really not. There is so much open space here, in the mountains, and by the rivers, I really want to explore it all one day. It really helped relieve some stress, just something about nature that does that. 

Wednesday: Honestly a pretty wild day. So it was our last day to turn in these baptism permission forms, and we have tried for a while to meet with Huslenzayas mom, but she is super busy. She told us she would be at the church today, but she then called and said she was at the hospital (her mom is super super sick). The hospital is on the other side of the city. So we left from our church and literally ran to the bus stop, got on a bus and this guy for some reason hauled so fast down the road, so we got there fairly fast. And we got the signature, then we went all the way across the other side of the city to turn it into the mission office. It was pretty hectic. But it ended up all working out. Then Ponton and I went to school and the students didn't show up for a while. So we just sat there listening to this ambient music, watching it snow outside. It was relaxing. Then the students came in and they are the exact same students as last week. So every Wednesday I teach the exact same class which I'm stoked for. And class went awesome. We talked about dreams and goals, and I went first so I said and then wrote on the board, "Get married and have a family, graduate, be a doctor, live in a small town, and see every country in Europe." and then the next girl went up said "I want a family too, but first I need to find a boyfriend" and that was her only goal haha. It was pretty funny. Then because of National Teacher Day (teachers are super respected here) on Friday, they gave us ties and a notebook and a water bottle. It was pretty nice. I sent pictures of them. And that really was all we did that day. 

Thursday: We had district meeting, so to surprise everyone, I bought some Korean Dr. Pepper. It was a hit, and the meeting was good. Afterwards Perry and I went to the black market (Naraantuul) and got some winter stuff. I bought some camel socks which look awesome, and they are crazy freaking warm. Then we had a lesson with Chuka later that night. We went over to her house, and oddly enough, the whole family, including the dad who was drunk last time, listened in. So things look positive for that. We are going to try really hard to include them all in the lessons. Then it got so flipping freaking freezing cold on our way home that I made some hot chocolate. Not gonna lie, I'm concerned for the winter. It's going to be super fun, but man, I might die.

Friday: So because of the National Teachers Day today, we didn't teach. Which was a bummer, teaching is my favorite thing. But we went shopping for a bit so Perry can get some winter stuff, then we met with Myadag. We taught her a new member lesson, with Rand and Crofts. Then because of English teaching at the church that night, Crofts and Perry stayed with each other at the church and Rand and I went together and Myadag asked if she could walk back with us. She was going somewhere really close to where we were going. So we said of course, and talked with her on the way back. She asked about missions, and she said she wants to go on one. Not going to lie, like that blew my mind. I can't even really describe it, but it's an incredible feeling to see someone so converted. And then she asked about going to BYU Provo, or other schools in Utah. She said she really wants to study in the US at a church school like BYU. And she wanted to know how she can learn English so she can get the visa. So Rand and I said that after every lesson we teach her, we are going to teach her english for an hour. I really hope she can go to the US, she is trying really hard on her own to get there. Then I picked up my boots, and holy moses. They are legit. So freaking cool, and the guy who made them told me how to care for them and keep them super nice. 

Saturday: So we had 3 appointments set up today, but they all cancelled on us. And they were all with girls, so we needed another set of Elders with us. Cox and Crofts were together because their companions were on a split. So we had them with us the whole day. After we found that they all cancelled on us, we went and got Perry a coat for winter. Then we just walked around the city for a while. Later that night there was a baptism in the Tuul ward, so we went to that. Then Cox got a call that his Deel was finished being made. So we went to this lady's house in American Denj. It was nice to see them again. They gave us some soup and bread and hiram. And we talked with them for a while. 

Sunday: Church went good. We set up some appointments for this week, then after church we went to our apartment and chilled for a while. Then Rand came down and we cooked dinner and played some Egyptian Rat Slap. Pretty fun night. 

Monday: We got up and went grocery shopping, and our missionary budget raised a bit, so with the extra amount I bought a blender too haha. It was like 20 US dollars, but hey it works good. After that we had a lesson with American Denj elders. Quick story. So we were on the bus with them early this week, going to their house. And this bus was so packed, there was no room for a piece of paper in there. And this girl was staring at Cox and I, so I said to Cox "dude talk to her, show off your mongolian skills." I finally talked him into it haha, and that girl came to the english class at the BZ. And then this night (monday) we met with her at the church, and asked if she was interested in the church, turns out she is. Kinda crazy. So we taught her a lesson, and it went super well, and she said she wants to learn more. Maybe she is just crushing on Cox hard, but eventually she will feel the spirit and can't deny that. But she said she really likes hearing about the church and stuff. So now there is a joke going around that Cox has 1) successfully proselyted in a non-proselyting mission and 2) is convincing a girl to take the lessons from him because he used his American charm on the bus. haha. But really she is great, she said she would come to church and everything. So we will see how that goes. 

And there's my week, not too busy, but still full of some good moments. 

Love you all
The pines here change colors.  They are amazing.

 The Buddhist sanctuary in the woods.  There was a guy praying there when we showed up.  
 It was awesome.

 The old Russian towers

 Beautiful right?
 Our fire.  Don't worry we're Eagle Scouts.  We know what we're doing. 

 Traditional Mongolian food at a members house.
 The tie my school gave me for Teacher Appreciation Day
 Camel socks. They are so warm and soft. 
 My new boots.  This is the traditional Mongolian way to wear boots. 
 Half inch fur on the inside.  Be jealous dad.
 Funny turtle thing.

 When you get cancelled on three times in one day. 
 Making my shake.  Russian ice cream in a bag.  It's the best way to do it.  


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