Trio Trips...

Hey mom,

This week was pretty good. It was transfers, so it was super busy with that, we did have a pretty good lesson on Saturday though. But for transfers, I am staying in my area, and I am companions with Teasdale and Ponton. It's pretty fun not gonna lie. Having 3 people is a super different feel than 2. Honestly I don't think we have all ever laughed as much as we have in the past week. The best part is that our apartment is outfitted for 2 people. So we had to bring in a new bed for Ponton. That wasn't too bad. But he has no where to hang his clothes and his desk is literally 2 planks of wood resting on some cardboard boxes lol. I'll send some pictures. It's pretty dang funny. But this week was good. It started to warm up a bit, to15 or so. Doesn't seem that warm, but it feels hot. Pretty weird feeling. We weren't able to meet with really any other investigators this week. We did get some member appointments though before Rand left. But yeah, some pretty cool stuff happened this week, let me tell you about it. 

So we met with Sisi and Maya again. We gave a blessing to one of them, and they are sisters. The meeting was really good. I felt like I was able to talk to them very easily and everything just flowed. I really feel like my Mongolian has jumped a lot. I've actually caught myself thinking in Mongolian sometimes. It's kinda weird. And I've forgotten a lot of English words so I had to buy an English dictionary haha. Sorry for that tangent, it was a really good meeting though. Maya though, who is 10, can't get baptized because her parents won't let her. Sisi though, is 18 so she doesn't need permission. But because Maya won't get baptized, its been making the decision harder for Sisi. It's a tough situation. But we are meeting with them again this week so hopefully we can help her. It's hard though when parents get in the way. 

Also remember that lady who I said we met with last Sunday? We gave a blessing to her sister and taught a short lesson? We got a call from her (the main lady, her name is Otogmaa). She said that her sister has fully healed from something that has been bothering her for 10 years. It's pretty cool to hear that. So she is freaking out, wondering what the heck we did. And now she is fully on board and wants to get baptized and take all the lessons. Pretty cool thing to see this. Miracles still happen today. It's a cool thing to be a part of. We weren't able to meet with her though because of her work schedule. But we are planning a meeting this week. 

Also, one of our good buds, Elder Sorensen, went to the countryside this week. Before he left, he wanted to have us all go this buffet with him. So we got tons of us there and ate so much food. It was pretty cool. Outside this place they built a legit igloo which was really cool looking. After the buffet, Cox and I went to our English club. Recently, not that many people have been showing up to the club, so the President wanted to do something that would get more people to go. So they went ice skating, and we tagged along. It was really cool, we talked in English the whole time, and there was a pretty good turn out. I got a picture with some of my students who come every week. I'll send that to you guys. But yeah, I never fell over and it was fun. The ice rink was in the middle of this field and there were no walls to hold on too, so it was rough at first. Then later that night, Rand and Garcia and Lambert all came over to say goodbye. It's weird having half of my companions going home. They were fun guys, it's already pretty weird without them.

Do you remember that website Allie Express? Or the app Wish? So I found a store that carries stuff you can buy on those websites. No joke. It's all just fake Chinese stuff, but I found a store nonetheless. I found this super nice fisherman knit sweater. Back in the states it would have gone for $60. But it cost me $5. Gotta love China. We also have a mission white elephant gift exchange on Thursday which I'm pretty stoked for. I found these cool Buddhist singing bowls for pretty cheap. So I got those and some Buddhist prayer beads. I also had to buy a singing bowl for myself. So now at night when I light my little candle and make my bowl sing and tell myself to relax, Teasdale and Ponton die laughing. But hey, if it works it works. 

And yeah thats really it. Nothing too much going on last week. Transfers took a while. This next week though we have some appointments set up. We also got sisters in our area which is nice, but we had to give them half of our investigators, so now we don't really have anyone except Bolorzaya, Galtorgil, Otogmaa, and the new family to meet with. We are passing them Sisi and Maya. But it should be all fine. We still have quite a few people to meet with. Love you all


Ice skating with our English Club.

 Ice Skating in the field
 Cox and I 
 Got to drive the mission car this week. 
 Last meeting with Rand before he went home. 

 Ponton's desk.
 The igloo.

 Buffet lunch with everyone. 

We bought some Christmas lights. 

Our study area in our apartment.

Ice Skating

More ice skating

Yeah, the driving wasn't that far!


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